
Posts Tagged ‘Diet Control’

My dear, never did I dream of being with you,

With silent feet you waltzed into my life, it is true.


You came in and took control of all aspects of my life,

All kinds of sweets and savouries are now denied by my loving wife. 


When others feast on dishes and foods exotic,

You make me learn the art of detachment and turn me into an ascetic.


To remain aloof from all kinds of cuisines and tastes,

You exhort me to walk, exercise and not let my life go waste.


I abide by all your wishes and try my best to keep you in good cheer,

I live like a recluse, satisfying all your demands, dear.  


When it comes to taking good care of me, my wife is near perfect,

But all my vital organs you alone appear determined to effect.


O dear Diabetes, my beloved,

It appears you are in no hurry to take leave.


But a guest needs to know when it is time to depart,

Hope you leave my abode before death make us part!


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(Published in The Hindu dated August 11, 2013)


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